

≪Premium Cabin≫
Although the premium cabin is compact, you can fully enjoy the atmosphere, and you can spend a comfortable time with the facilities.
Rooms with balconies (3 rooms) have a good view, and there are also garden views. These rooms have only a shower booth without a bathtub.
●Capacity 2 people/sea view or gardenview/ 30㎡


≪スーペリア コテージ≫

≪Superior Cottage≫
Although the premium cabin is compact, you can fully enjoy the atmosphere, and you can spend a comfortable time with the facilities.
Rooms with balconies (3 rooms) have a good view, and there are also garden views. This room has only a shower booth without a bathtub.
●Capacity 3 people/Jungle view / 50㎡

≪グランド コテージ≫

≪Grand Cottage≫
Luxurious cottage overlooking the jungle and the sea in the distance from the hill.There are only 3 rooms and it has been featured on TV, so it is a popular room that is always fully booked. The sleeping space is large, and the semi-outdoor bathtub is comfortable. It's the kind of room that makes you want to spend all your time in the room.
●Capacity 3 people/View of Rock Island/70㎡

≪スイート ヴィラ≫

≪Suite villa≫
A wide window overlooking the mangrove forest and the sea.
The spacious living room like a party room has a kitchen with a counter, creating a luxurious time full of tropical atmosphere. The family can stay in one room, so it is recommended for long-term stays.
●Capacity 5 people/View of Rock Island/100㎡

≪スペシャル ヴィラ≫

≪Speciall villa≫
The special villa has 2 bedrooms, a loft space, 1 bathroom, 1 shower room, 2 toilets, and can accommodate up to 7 people. There is also a living space where everyone can gather, so it is recommended for families and groups. Since it is a barrier-free type near the front desk, it can be used by elderly people with peace of mind. It is a relaxing room with a private small garden.
●Capacity 7 people/Garden View/180㎡


お部屋のご案内/Room information

■室数 20室 Number of rooms: 20

■すべて禁煙(バルコニーでは喫煙可能)All non-smoking (smoking is allowed on the balcony)

■WI-FI FREE  天候や場所によっては電波が弱い場合がございます
However, depending on the weather and location, the signal may be poor.

エアコン / テレビ(休止) ⁄  ドライヤー ⁄ 部屋着 ⁄ スリッパ/湯沸ポット ⁄ グラス ⁄ コーヒーカップ ⁄ 冷蔵庫 ⁄ 蚊取り線香 /温水洗浄便座(プレミアムキャビン除く) ⁄ バスタブ(プレミアムキャビン除く)
■In-room equipment
Air conditioner / TV(currently suspended) ⁄ Hair dryer ⁄ Loungewear ⁄ Slippers/Electric kettle ⁄ Glasses ⁄ Coffee cups ⁄ Refrigerator ⁄ Mosquito coils/Toilet seat with bidet (excluding Puremiam cabin)⁄ Bathtub(excluding Puremiam cabin)

バスタオル ⁄ フェイスタオル ⁄ ボディタオル ⁄ 固形ソープ ⁄ シャンプー・リンス・ボディソープ ⁄ 歯ブラシ/ヘアコーム ⁄ ヒゲソリ⁄ シェービングジェル ⁄ コットン ⁄ 綿棒
■ Bathroom fixtures
Bath towel ⁄ Face towel ⁄ Body towel ⁄ Solid soap ⁄ Shampoo/conditioner/body soap ⁄ Toothbrush/Hair comb ⁄ Shaving ⁄ Shaving gel ⁄ Cotton ⁄ Cotton swab

ダブルベッド/Double bed 200cm×203cmまたは200cm×244cm
ツインベッド/Twin beds 200cm×122cm 2台
プレミアムキャビン/Premium Cabin  ダブル200×192㎝、ツイン200×96㎝ 2台
エキストラベッドExtra bed 192cm×93cm

■ベビーベッドBaby bed  要予約/2台 (reservation required / 2 beds)

*The drawing in the thumbnail may differ from the current situation. Please take a look for your reference.