


Original activities at Palau Plantation Resort

Palau Plantation Resort offers a number of activities, including the popular canoe/kayak tour, where you can go out to sea through mangrove tunnels from the premises.


■オリジナルアクティビティリスト/ Original activity list
※現在カヌーツアーは休止中/Canoe tours are currently suspended

ツアー種別/Tour typeツアー名/Tour料金/Price
カヤック&カヌーKayak & Canoeナイトカヤックツアー/Night kayak tour(約2H)$ 65
モーニングカヤックツアー/Morning kayak tour(約1.5H) $ 65
半日カヤックツアー/Harfday kayak tour(約3H) $ 65
Night canoe tour with motor
$ 50
Mangrove canoe tour with motor
$ 50

* In addition to the fee, a 10-day "maritime permit" of $50 per person is required in cash.




Kayak tour

While looking up at the green rock island, you can feel a sense of unity with the sea.
Since you row by yourself, you can freely go inside the narrow mangroves!
It is a very popular tour where you can fully enjoy the great outdoors that everyone from children to the elderly can enjoy. You can also enjoy snorkeling.
*There are dates and times that cannot be operated due to the tide.




ロックアイランドやマングローブの森をエンジン付カヌー(ガイド操縦)で爽快に 周遊する水上遊覧ツアーです。

Mangrove canoe tour (with motor)*Currently suspended
It is a water excursion tour that exhilarates rock islands and mangrove forests in an engine-equipped canoe (piloted by a guide).
You can take a commemorative photo as you wish while running around the great nature of Palau.
*There are dates and times that cannot be operated due to the tide.


ナイト&モーニングツアー/Night & Morning Tour





Night & Morning Tour
Kayak from the hotel is the only one in Palau! ! Experience the fantastic and romantic Palauan night.

■ Night kayak tour (rowing type)
Through the mangroves to the sea. You can snorkel in the sea at night, see glittering noctilucent insects, and more.

■ Night canoe tour (motorized, water excursion type)
Travel through the mangroves at night in a canoe steered by a guide.
Feel the tranquility and see the stars reflected on the surface of the water.You can easily experience the sea at night.

■ Morning kayak tour (rowing type)
After watching the sunrise, have morning coffee on the sea!

*There are dates and times that cannot be operated due to the tide.