Welcome to Palau Plantation Resort!


Palau Plantation Resort is located in the city center of Koror Island, the center of Palau. Surrounded by jungle and taro fields, the resort enjoys an unrivaled location, with mangrove forests stretching out to the ocean and rock islands. All buildings are based on the theme of harmony with nature, and are built locally with palm thatched roofs using leaves, bamboo, and wood, following the style of local houses.
Surrounded by tropical trees, flowers, and fruits, just like the name of the plantation, you will experience a soothing healing experience as if you were throwing yourself into the great outdoors.

・フォレストガーデンレストランは休業しております。ジャングル バー は夕方まで営業しています (午後 6 時から午後 10 時)。
・Spa services are not available at the resort.
・There is no  TV in the guest rooms.
・Forest Garden Restaurant is closed. The Jungle Bar Restaurant is open until the evening (6 pm to 10 pm).
・Breakfast can be served upon prior reservation.

Our Hospitality



全部で20部屋の小さなリゾートホテルで、ホスピタリティーが人気です。特に毎日のベッドメイキングでは様々なアートメイキングをお楽しみいただけます。It is a small resorthotel with 20 rooms in total and boasts the hospitality of the staff.  Especially in the daily bed making, you can enjoy various art making that the staff is proud of.

Restaurant & Bar

Restaurant ForestGargen/フォレストガーデンレストラン breakfast only /朝食のみ営業(2024/MAR)$17

The resort has four different restaurants and bars, offering a different dining experience each night.
The main restaurant is Forest Garden, an open-air space overlooking the pool.
The Asian izakaya "Jungle Bar", which was featured in a TV interview, is popular with 50 different food menus.

Jungle Bar/アジアン居酒屋『ジャングルバー』 6PM-10PM
Teppannyaki 『YOSHITSUNE』/鉄板焼『義経』 ※closed/休業中(2024/MAY)
Seafood The TERACCE/シーフード ザ・テラス ※closed/休業中(2024/May)

Kayak Tour



敷地内に、カヤック 発着所があります。
満点の星空の中での「スターライト カヤック」、月明りの中の「フルムーンカヤック」、夕暮れが美しい「トワイ ライトカヤック」、朝日を見るモーニングカヤックなど、様々なパラオ の海をご案内。
There is a kayak station on site."Starlight Kayak" in the starry sky, "Full Moon Kayak" in the moonlight, "Twilight Kayak" in the beautiful sunset, Morning Kayak in the morning sun, etc. We will guide you through various Palauan seas.


星を眺めながらのジャグジーが人気で、南十字星や天の川が望めます。Open-air Jacuzzi overlooking nature. A comfortable open-air space.
Let’s warm up the cold body in the sea!
The Jacuzzi while looking at the stars is popular, and you can see the Southern Cross and the Milky Way.


深さは1m-3mで、一部がダイビングの練習用に深くなっています。A deformed pool of about 5m x 18m. You can see the taro fields.
The depth is 1m-3m, some of which are deeper for diving practice.


A gift shop where you can find Palauan souvenirs such as original coconut soap and plantation T-shirts

Drying room

If you wash and dry your diving equipment, it will be dry by the next morning!
It's a nice facility for divers.
※利用休止中/Currently unavailable for maintenance 2024/MAY

Hotel Car

ハウスタクシー:市街地までショート$6.00~ スタッフが送迎します。
Airport transfer & house taxi
Airport transfer by hotel private car: Easy and direct transfer to the hotel. (Reservation required/$25 per person one way)
House Taxi: Short ride to the city center from $6.00.Staff will pick you up.

Other Service

Service Detail
Free Wifi

Please ask the front desk for the password.
You can also use it in the basic room, but the signal may be poor depending on the location.
*Please note that the WIFI environment in Palau is generally bad, and it can get crowded during times when access is concentrated.

Laundry Service

お出かけ前に、部屋のカゴに洗濯物を入れて、ランドリーサービスの札をのせておけば、夕方には洗濯完了!Tシャツ5枚程度 ∕ $5です。
Before you go out, put your laundry in the basket in your room and put the laundry service label on it.
*The suite villa also has a washing machine and laundry detergent.

Room Amenity シャンプー、コンディショナー、ボティーソープ
shampoo, conditioner, body soap
toothbrush, hairbrush, shaver
Bath towel face towel